Culture Bundles
Fungi Farm culture bundles are a great value for mushroom growers! Fungi Farm genetics have been selected for high productivity. Our pure cultures are available in many different species including oyster mushrooms, shiitakes, king oysters and more. From beginner to professional, these bundles are perfect for any level of cultivation experience. Each of our cultures is carefully maintained by Fungi Farm staff. Many are available for wholesale purchase as well so if you own a farm or shop let us know! We love to offer bulk discounts.
Farm starter pack
Blue Oyster, Lion's Mane, Chestnut, King Oyster, Black King Oyster
Hot weather kit
Pink oyster, golden oyster, Florida oyster
Oyster Suite
Blue, green, pink, golden, Florida, brown, phoenix, tarragon, king, black king
The log cultivator
Shiitake (wide range), brown oyster, phoenix oyster, chicken of the woods, turkey tail, lion's mane, chestnut
Advanced pack
Shiitake (3790), pioppino, maitake
Hericium pack
Lion's mane, coral tooth, bear's head tooth
Garden pack
King Stropharia, shiitake (wide range), phoenix oyster
5 pack your choice
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